2010 was a Great Year for CHEER
CHEER was recognized by the Ashoka Institute’s changemakers as one of the most promising ideas in the country for building strong communities and making changes. CHEER was also awarded a capacity building grant by the Schimel Lode, as one of the most promising startup nonprofits in the Washington DC area.
Below are lists of this year’s other accomplishments, current and planned projects that will offer community members the knowledge and ability to build healthy, thriving communities in Takoma Park and Long Branch.
In 2010 CHEER has:
completed the local economy indicators selection process for Takoma Park and Long Branch,
incorporated with the State of Maryland as a nonprofit organization,
conducted housing indicators research and released the Takoma Park housing report card,
presented results of the housing indicators research at a community wide meeting,
conducted a panel discussion on possible housing actions in Takoma Park, and
conducted a kick off event of the community health assessment, with a first showing of the award winning PBS documentary “Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick.”
increased current community member friends and participants from about 100 a year ago to 231.
Ongoing Projects
Showings of “Unnatural Causes” for local small groups. We currently have funding to conduct 9 showings that can be done in conjunction with community health assessment activities.
The Community Health Assessment: We will design and conduct survey’s, gather secondary research, and design and conduct qualitative research activities to measure selected health and related community indicators.
Takoma Park Housing Actions: We are currently conducting research to explore and develop housing options for Takoma Park, and continue discussions through a community engagement process.
Planned Projects
Local economy indicators report: We are seeking support needed to complete research and analysis of the indicators selected during the Spring 2010 Indicators selection process.
Children youth and family indicators selection process. We are currently in search of the resources to conduct a community based process for formulating a vision, setting goals and selecting indicators for improving the well being of children, youth, and their families. This effort will touch all segments of the Takoma Park and Long Branch community and will yield immediate benefits for focusing institutional support and engaging community participation to build our communities most important assets, our children and families.
Organizational Development
We are delighted to have received financial support of the Consumer Health Foundation and the Center on Health Disparities, to finance CHEER’s first showings of the PBS documentary “Unnatural Causes.” We are also grateful for the financial support of private donors and the Schimel Lode for providing a capacity building grant. We are currently seeking additional foundation support, and contributions from community members and friends.
Board Developments
This month we welcome two new Board members Corinne Warren who joins the board immediately and Mary Carter-Williams who will join the Board in January.
Christopher King has stepped down from his position as Board Chair, but remains a board member. Andy Cruz, the current vice chair will now take on the duties of the Chair. Christopher has taken leadership of the Takoma Park Community Action Group. A valuable partner for CHEER and the Takoma Park Community.