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Lucia Zegarra

The Long Branch Partners meeting

The Long Branch Partners is a collaboration of different organizations and agencies that serve the Long Branch community. A Long Branch Partners meeting led by CHEER was held last Thursday July 9th at the Long Branch Library. The purpose of the meeting was to create a common space in which local agencies and organizations working in Long Branch area can meet to share information, seek opportunities for future collaboration and begin to develop a sense of belonging to a network. At the meeting the partners assessed and discussed different community needs.

CHEER introduced the Eat Well Be Active a Healthy Montgomery Partnership Outreach and Referral Process and the Primary Medical Care Outreach and Referral program to the partners. CHEER team members Vanessa Pinto, Rosemary McCloskey, Maribel Juarez and Vineda Myers demonstrated the referral processes through interactive role play and gathered valuable information from community participants. Both referral processes provide solutions for many of the different community needs discussed at the meeting and also work as a collaboration tool for the partners.

Please click below on the Links to view the proposed referral processes.

We are grateful to Carlos Iglesias and IMPACT Silver Spring for sponsoring the Long Branch Partners meetings.

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