The Renters Protection Group continues its efforts to update Takoma Park’s rent stabilization code

Affordable housing was on the agenda for the Takoma Park City Council meeting on November 16. Modifications of the rent stabilization code proposed by the Renters Protection Group this past summer was one of the items discussed. The group’s proposals increase scrutiny and accountability for exemptions to rent stabilization exemptions.
Since October of 2015 CHEER has facilitated Renters Protection Meetings to provide a forum for renters to share information, discuss best practices, and advocate for changes to ensure that affordable housing in Takoma Park remains affordable. The Renters Protection Group had several meetings, including a question and answer session with the City’s Director of Housing & Community Development, leading up to the June 1 city council meeting where they presented their letter of proposed changes to the City Council and the community. Renters and supporters from around Takoma Park and Montgomery County attended the meeting in force, wearing red “Support Renters” stickers in a show of solidarity and support.
The Renters Protection Group, consisting of renters, neighbors, and community leaders, believes that rent stabilization is a valuable affordable housing tool, and that improving it is critical to the continued health and stability of Takoma Park neighborhoods and communities. Their work continues, and they will meet again soon to revise their proposal based on feedback and comments from the November 16 City Council meeting. Takoma Park residents can provide feedback by emailing your City Council Members and the Mayor.